[Colloq] Master's Thesis Defense, Wendy-Beth Minton - Thursday, Oct. 4

Rachel Kalweit rachelb at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Oct 2 12:49:54 EDT 2007

College of Computer and Information Science

Master’s Thesis Defense: 
Wendy-Beth Minton

Thesis Title:

Who Secured Your Braid? Mutual Authentication in Braid-Based Cryptographic Protocols

Thursday, October 4, 2007
16h00 (4:00pm)
166 West Village H

In recent years, cryptographic protocols based upon the Artin braid group have been proposed. The two main protocols proposed are the Ko-Lee protocol and the commutator key agreement protocol. Both these protocols bear a strong structural resemblance to the original Diffie-Hellman protocol.  The resemblance is strong enough that the man-in-the middle attack present within the Die-Hellman protocol also plagues its braid-based counterparts. However, unlike the Diffie-Hellman protocol, little has been done to address this attack. This thesis seeks to present a mutually authenticated version of both the Ko-Lee and the commutator key agreement protocols. With such protocols in place, the question as to whether the Artin braid group is an appropriate domain for cryptographic protocols can be better researched.

Professor Riccardo Pucella - Advisor
Professor Christopher King

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