[Colloq] Talk, Wednesday, October 27, Hari Balakrishnan, 12pm

Rachel Kalweit rachelb at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Oct 22 16:02:03 EDT 2004

College of Computer and Information Science Colloquium

Hari Balakrishnan

who will speak on:
The Cricket Indoor Location System

Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004
366 West Village H
Northeastern University

There are many applications ranging from pervasive computing to sensor 
networks where access to accurate location information is important. 
Although the Global Positioning System (GPS) is an excellent technology 
for outdoor environments, it does not work well indoors or in urban 
areas around tall buildings. Cricket is a system that provides accurate 
location information to mobile and sensor devices indoors. This talk 
will describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of Cricket, 
highlighting both Cricket's algorithms and some of its mobile and sensor 
computing applications. Cricket units are now commercially available; 
its software is obtainable under an open source license. See 

Hari Balakrishnan studied at IIT Madras (B. Tech., '93) and UC Berkeley 
(PhD, '98). He is now an Associate Professor of Computer Science and 
Engineering at MIT, where he leads the Networks and Mobile Systems Group 
at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. His research 
interests are in networked computer systems, including resilient 
networking, wireless networks, sensor and location-aware computing, and 
large-scale systems. His honours include the ACM doctoral dissertation 
award, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, an NSF CAREER Award, 
MIT's Harold Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, two MOBICOM Best Paper 
Awards, and the IEEE Communication Society's William R. Bennett Prize.

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