[Colloq] Hiring Talk, Monday, March 15, 11am, 149 CN

Rachel Bates rachelb at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Mar 9 08:59:58 EST 2004

SPEAKER: Paulo Barthelmess
         University of Colorado, Boulder

WHEN:    Monday, March 15, 2004, 11 AM

WHERE:   CN 149

TITLE:   Stream-based intelligent applications: challenges and


Stream processing provides a convenient paradigm for many classes of
human-centered applications including e.g. multimedia and multimodal
systems, smart rooms and immersive environments. Humans generate a variety
of continuous information while interacting with each other and with their
environment, through speech, body language, and their actions, e.g. as they
perform tasks in an office or in a classroom. Sensing, communication and
processing technologies have evolved to a point where exciting new
applications can be developed, that take advantage of this broad range of
information to provide better support for individuals and for groups, e.g.
in the form of advanced adaptive interfaces, immersive environments, smart
rooms and offices.  This talk presents research challenges and opportunities
in this domain.

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