[Tipz] clipboards & terminals in X11

Ari Pollak ari at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Aug 12 13:13:58 EDT 2004

More terminal tips.. Putting the following in your ~/.Xresources or 
~/.Xdefaults will make xterm (probably not rxvt or aterm) not treat 
middle-click as paste, and treat Ctrl-Insert as copy from clipboard or 
the primary buffer if the clipboard is blank (close to Ctrl-Shift-V in 
gnome-terminal). The clipboard is what Ctrl-C in a GTK app like Mozilla 
uses, and the primary buffer is usually whatever text was last selected 
with the mouse. Shift-Insert normally just pastes the primary buffer.

*VT100.Translations: #override\n\
     Ctrl <KeyPress> Insert:insert-selection(CLIPBOARD, PRIMARY)\n\

To only get one or the other, take either the 2nd or 3rd line out, 
depending on what you want.

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