[scponly] sftp works, but not scp

Roger Walker roger at rope.net
Sun May 17 01:04:17 EDT 2009

	I'm setting up a new server with scponly access, on a CentOS 5.2
system (up to date with 'yum update'), using scponly 4.8. I am using the
chroot-ed scponly setup.

	At first, sftp failed. I followed the instructions for logging and
tracing, and worked my way down the wiki page for special instructions for
CentOS. When I followed them, I got an sftp connection.

	However, scp to the same account does not work. I used ./configure
with the following options:


	... and with and without "--disable-chroot-checkdir"

	A sample scp command that fails:

scp /etc/hosts fred at newserver:
fred at newserver's password:
lost connection

	And the syslog output on the new server:

May 15 18:09:40 smtp sshd[11132]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user fred
May 15 18:09:50 smtp sshd[11136]: Accepted password for vframe from port 50064 ssh2
May 15 18:09:50 smtp sshd[11136]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user fred by (uid=0)
May 15 18:09:50 smtp scponly[11139]: running: /usr/bin/scp -t hosts (username: fred(631), IP/port: 50064 22)
May 15 18:09:50 smtp scponly[11139]: failed: /usr/bin/scp -t hosts with error No such file or directory(2) (username: fred(631), IP/port: 50064 22)
May 15 18:09:50 smtp sshd[11136]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user fred

	Given the initial problem with sftp (which also stated that it
couldn't find something - the sftp-server, as I recall), I suspect there
may be a similar issue. Are there more things to do for chroot-ing on
CentOS 5.2 that need to be done? Am I missing a configureation paramater?



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