[scponly] rsync-3.X with scponly was: rsync with scponly on CentOS

Kaleb Pederson kaleb.pederson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 11:28:51 EDT 2008

On Tuesday 28 October 2008 04:14:41 am case22 at gmx.net wrote:
> But there is one problem: I can't use wildcards when downloading from
> the scponly-account via rsync, even though scponly is built with
> --enable-wildcards.

Correct.  This should probably also change as it surprised me when I initially 
found it.  Enable-wildcards only works with scp, not with any of the other 
subsystems.  If we're going to allow it -- it should be allowed on all 
subsystems that support it.

The one thing that I need to fix with respect to wildcards is that we need 
configure to tell us how many command line arguments are allowed for the given 
platform / OS, otherwise we have a random guess which is likely incorrect.


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