[scponly] Antw: Re: Problems with not closing connections

Axel Schneck axel at schnecken-clan.de
Sun Nov 16 13:30:00 EST 2008

forget my question about logging, just found some mails about in the archive of this group, so I'll read them first.
OK, just installed in a test environment, looks like working as before :-)
I have another question.
How can I setup my sles10-server to log what filetransfers are going through the sftp and scp channel?
Is it possible to get this working?

>>> Kaleb Pederson<kaleb.pederson at gmail.com> 14.11.2008 18:22 >>>
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Axel Schneck <axel at schnecken-clan.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> using a Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 and scponly 4.6
> Configured sftp users as jail-users using scponly as shell.

Scponly-4.6 is now quite old and I'd recommend upgrading to a newer version.

> Some users have sometimes (not every login) the problem, that logging out
> doesnt work correctly.
> Client is sending a bye, but both the server and the client side wont close
> the connection.
> Not sure, whether this could be a problem of scponly?

I don't believe so.  Scponly just exec's the program in question and
then returns, so I can't think of anything off the top of my head that
would cause that symptom.

> One another question:
> Can I update to newer scponly release without loosing the jail function?

Yes, as long as you configure it correctly.  Make sure you pass the
'--enable-chrooted-binary' flag to configure.


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