[scponly] Second Jail not working...

mephi matthew.j.green at ntlworld.com
Fri Feb 23 12:13:55 EST 2007

I've got a Debian server with an scponly jail setup in /share/jail/, this
works fine. And I can Rsync to it from windows using the command:


rsync -e ssh -av --delete "/rsync" mephi at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/jail/test 


This gives the output:

[893]: chrooted binary in place, will chroot()

[893]: 3 arguments in total.

[893]:  arg 0 is scponlyc

[893]:  arg 1 is -c

[893]:  arg 2 is rsync --server -vlogDtpr --delete . /jail/test

[893]: opened log at LOG_AUTHPRIV, opts 0x00000029

[893]: retrieved home directory of "/share/jail" for user "mephi"

[893]: chrooting to dir: "/share/jail"

[893]: chdiring to dir: "/"

[893]: setting uid to 1003


I'm trying to setup a second area in /share/parents/ for my parents to
backup over rsync to, this doesn't work fine.


I've setup a second area using the setup_chroot script that I originally
used for the first area, but I get errors when I try to connect with the
rsync command:

rsync -e ssh -av --delete "/rsync" parents at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/parents




[979]: chrooted binary in place, will chroot()

[979]: 3 arguments in total.

[979]:  arg 0 is scponlyc

[979]:  arg 1 is -c

[979]:  arg 2 is rsync --server -vlogDtpr --delete . /parents

[979]: opened log at LOG_AUTHPRIV, opts 0x00000029

[979]: retrieved home directory of "/share/parents" for user "parents"

[979]: chrooting to dir: "/share/parents"

[979]: chroot: Operation not permitted


Does anyone know why?



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