[scponly] Problem swapping to writable subdirectory - incoming with WinSCP

Adrian Jones ajones at umces.edu
Wed Feb 21 03:51:08 EST 2007

Hi everyone.
Well after a bunch of problems trying to install scponly using the Debian
apt package, I setup the latest unstable .deb package and things seem to be
working pretty well. I am using scponlyc with chroot. Using the SSH SFT
window the user is logged in and taken straight to the incoming subfolder
with no access to anything above it - exactly what I want to have happen.
However, with WinSCP they are take to their home directory. They can see all
the other folders inside home, but cannot browse above their home directory.
Can someone tell me why WinSCP is not taking them straight to the incoming
subfolder and limiting them to that folder?
On a somewhat related note - I am getting transfer errors with the SHH SFT
window when copying files into the incoming subdirectory. The file is
actually transferred and seems to be fine, but I always get the error. I
don't get this error with WinSCP.
Would appreciate any help.
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