[scponly] Problem with Suse Linux Enterpise Server 10SP1

Axel Schneck (axel@schnecken-clan.de) axel at schnecken-clan.de
Thu Aug 2 17:17:18 EDT 2007


I use scponly with a SLES10 without any problems.
Now I tried to get it working on a SLES10SP1 and ran into a problem.

installed it with:

./configure --enable-chrooted-binary  --enable-scp-compat --enable-winscp-compat
make groups
make make install

create user with 
make jail

Using vsftp as ftp/sftp Server

Doing this way loggin in with the newly created user works fin, but trying to login using ftp fails.

As soon as changing the scponly shell in the paaswd for that user to bash, logging in using ftp works.
That happens only with SP1 from SLES10.

Can you help?

I tried to enable debugging as described in the howto but there will nothing be logged to the /var/log/messages

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