[scponly] Installation steps of scponly on Solaris 9

Melanie Pfefer melanie_pfefer at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 18 06:08:27 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I downloaded scponly-4.6 and installed it on a Sol 9
Sparc. The steps that I followed are:

1] ./configure --enable-chrooted-binary
--disable-winscp-compat --with-sftp-server

2] make
3] make install

4] edit /etc/shells:

5] make jail (after modifying setup_chroot script
according to

In step 5, I created a user called 'testuser'.
However, upon a new telnet session, and after system
login using this user, the session is closed.

If I do a ssh or a telnet using another user, the
session opens. Then if I 'su testuser', this user can
freely browse the filesystem.

If I ftp to the system and authenticate using
testuser, the ftp session works but the user can
freely browse the file system instead of being jailed.

Could you please advise?

Thank you,

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