[scponly] unable to rsync with rsync-enabled scponlyc - even without -e ssh

user user at dhp.com
Thu Oct 27 16:28:04 EDT 2005


On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Paul Hyder wrote:

> I believe that the reasoning in effect is that ssh is the normal rsync
> remote shell and hence it isn't necessary to specify it explicitly.
> Scponly, using this logic, can then reject all rsync commands that use
> "-e".

Ok, that sounds reasonable.  I only want to use rsync over ssh anyway, and
if that is the default, then there is nothing to worry about.

> Yes it is possible for rsync to be configured with other defaults but
> that isn't common and in a chrooted scponly environment not likely to
> work.
> The more important question probably is "Have you found a modern
> implementation of rsync that doesn't use ssh as the default remote
> shell?"  (OR Why did you need to specify the remote shell?)

Well, that's just the thing.  I am using the vanilla rsync that is
installed when I simply `make install` in /usr/ports/net/rsync in FreeBSD
5.4-RELEASE, and ... it doesn't seem to have that set as the default.

#rsync -avz ./test good at
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(365)

As you can see, I get the same error that I get when I specify -e ssh

Yet, in the port pkg-message, it clearly states:

Note that rsync now uses SSH as the transport by default.

So, I am back to square one ... basically, I can't rsync to a scponlyc
shell user.

Thanks for any comments or help.

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