[scponly] scponly and sftp-logging patch possible?

Ralf Durkee rd at rd1.net
Fri Jul 29 11:54:51 EDT 2005

On Fri, Jul 29, 2005 at 11:35:22AM -0400, Mike Kriz wrote:

> I'm starting to think this may have something to do with environment
> variables after all.  I looked at the code for the sftp-logging patch,
> and it seems to default to logging being off if it can not read the
> variables from the environment.  Is it possible the scponly shell is
> somehow not handling these variables?  Is there a way to check?
> My thoughts are not that it doesn't even know it is supposed to log
> because it is not reading and passing the options properly.

How about if you create a script that sets variables etc. and the script could 
exec scponly, then make the script a valid login shell for a test user.
I would NOT recommend this configuration for security, but it may
help with debugging and understanding the problem.

-- Ralf

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