[scponly] How is it possible to set umask?

Lars Monsees l.monsees at atlantisgmbh.de
Tue Feb 15 11:54:20 EST 2005


I recently installed scponly (chrooted config) and it works just fine.
However, one small issue remains.

Several scponly users (logging in with WinSCP 3.7.4) use the same home-directory. As their group has write access to the "incoming" dir (named "zytoservice") it is possible to delete other users files (this is fine). Though, it is not possible for user B to directly overwrite a file from user A without deleting it first. This is possible for user A.

Error message:
scp: /zytoservice/info.txt: set times: Operation not permitted

[root zytoservice]# ll
total 1
-rw-rw-r--    1 zyto_adm zytoserv      122 Feb 15 17:39 info.txt

What do I have to change?


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