[scponly] scponly security issues with WinSCP compatability

Ralf Durkee rd at rd1.net
Sun Feb 13 14:14:19 EST 2005

At 04:19 PM 2/12/2005, John M. Lauck wrote:
>Thanks a lot Chad!
>I'll give it a try and post my results.  I have one question though: Are
>there specific security issues with leaving WinSCP compatibility enabled?

Security best practice is to enable only what's necessary, and enable the 
services with the least risk. My recommendation is disable everything 
except the sftp protocol. As already stated the winscp clients work fine if 
they use sftp. I usually disable SSHv1 in the sshd and ssh configuration 
files as well. There were some recent security issues as noted on the 
scponly home page, which I understand have been addressed, but for systems 
which only allowed the sftp protocol these was no risk for that specific 
vulnerability. <http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/383046>

Here's the options I used on last configuration,
  --enable-chrooted-binary --disable-scp-compat --disable-winscp-compat 

There some redundancy with the --disable-wildcards, and you could also add 
--disable-gftp-compat if you'd like.

Hope this helps.

-- Ralf Durkee, CISSP, GSEC, GCIH
Principal Consultant

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