[scponly] login error: No such file or directory(2)

roger at rope.net roger at rope.net
Sat Aug 27 14:59:16 EDT 2005

	I am running the latest version of scponly on a FC3 system. I have
setup the chroot environment as per the instructions in:


	That contains the etc, usr, lib, and bin directories.

	The first account I'm trying to set up is 'learnqd'. Here's the
entry from the /etc/passwd file:


	The chrooted password file contains:


	The chrooted group file contains:


	When I login, the client system sees this:

$ sftp learnqd at www.learnqd.com
Connecting to www.learnqd.com...
learnqd at www.learnqd.com's password:
Connection closed

	This is what shows up in the messages log file:

Aug 27 18:38:17 nylon sshd[4058]: Accepted password for learnqd from ::ffff: port 49979 ssh2
Aug 27 18:38:17 nylon sshd(pam_unix)[4060]: session opened for user learnqd by (uid=0)
Aug 27 18:38:17 nylon sshd[4060]: subsystem request for sftp
Aug 27 18:38:17 nylon [4061]: running: /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server (username: learnqd(704), IP/port: ::ffff: 49979 22)
Aug 27 18:38:17 nylon [4061]: failed: /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server with error No such file or directory(2) (username: learnqd(704), IP/port: ::ffff: 49979 22)
Aug 27 18:38:17 nylon sshd(pam_unix)[4060]: session closed for user learnqd

	Does anyone know what the problem is?

	If not, is there a way to increase the logging (for which service)
to determine what file/directory doesn't exist?


Roger Walker
"HIS Pain - OUR Gain"

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