[PRL] Fwd: [MIT-PL] TALK:Wednesday 2-13-13 PL/SE Seminar: Coeffects: Types for tracking context-dependence

David Van Horn dvanhorn at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Feb 13 00:07:54 EST 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MIT-PL] TALK:Wednesday 2-13-13 PL/SE Seminar: Coeffects: Types 
for tracking context-dependence
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 00:01:02 -0500
From: Csail Event Calendar <eventcalendar at csail.mit.edu>
To: pl at csail.mit.edu

PL/SE Seminar: Coeffects: Types for tracking context-dependence
Speaker: Tomas Petricek
Speaker Affiliation: University of Cambridge
Host: Adam Chlipala
Host Affiliation: CSAIL

Date: 2-13-2013
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: 32-G882 (reading room)

TITLE: Coeffects: Types for tracking context-dependence

Monadic typing provides a unified way of tracking effects of computations,
but there is no unified mechanism for tracking how computations rely on the
environment in which they are executed. Since modern software runs in rich,
distributed settings where each component executes on a different 
device, this
is becoming an important problem. We need to track where a computation can
run, what resources it accesses and how it uses other specific 
capabilities of
the environment.

We consider three examples of context-dependence analysis: liveness 
tracking the use of resources in distributed environment, and calculating
caching requirements for data-flow programs. Informed by these cases, we
present a unified calculus for tracking context dependence in functional
languages together with a categorical semantics based on indexed 
comonads. We
believe that indexed comonads are the right foundation for constructing
context-aware languages and type systems and that following an approach akin
to monads can lead to a widespread use of the concept.

Relevant URL(S): http://tomasp.net/
For more information please contact: Adam Chlipala, adamc at csail.mit.edu

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