[PRL] Welcoming new students

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Sep 8 11:44:15 EDT 2009

[In case you haven't studied the office assignments that Agnes sent out...]

Please welcome 3 new students to PRL and 3 more to Pete's FM lab:

Chamarthi, Harsh Raju    RA     RA              Manolios
Johnson, James           TA     TA              Manolios
Papavasileiou, Vasileios TA     TA              Manolios
Hoag, Jonathan           TA     TA              Shivers
St. Amour, Vincent       TA     TA              Clinger
Stansifer, Paul          TA     RA              Wand

The last 3 students on this list will be in 330 (the "annex").  I think
Pete's students are down the hall (sorry, I don't know the room number).

Please welcome these folks, make sure that they are signed up for all the
right mailing lists, etc., etc.

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