[PRL] Torture chamber tomorrow 1:30–3:00

Daniel Brown dbrown at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Mar 30 15:28:44 EDT 2009

I'd like to run through my MFPS talk tomorrow (Tue) from 1:30–3:00pm
in 366. It's a 40-minute talk, so I expect feedback will last past
2:30 but hopefully not up until 3:00. Thanks in advance to anyone that
can make it!



Categories of Timed Stochastic Relations

Daniel Brown and Riccardo Pucella

Stochastic behavior—the probabilistic evolution of a system in time—is
essential to modeling the complexity of real-world systems. It enables
realistic performance modeling, quality-of-service guarantees, and
especially simulations for biological systems. Languages like the
stochastic pi calculus have emerged as effective tools to describe and
reason about systems exhibiting stochastic behavior. These languages
essentially denote continuous-time stochastic processes, obtained
through an operational semantics in a probabilistic transition system.
We seek a more descriptive foundation for the semantics of stochastic
behavior using categories and monads. We model a first-order
imperative language with stochastic delay by identifying probabilistic
choice and delay as separate effects, modeling each with a monad, and
combining the monads to build a model for the stochastic language.

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