[PRL] Fwd: Introducing F# Asynchronous Workflows

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Oct 11 21:12:12 EDT 2007

Yet another item for the multicore mill. Anybody want to look at this?
There's also an interesting connection with "computation expressions", which
appear to be F#'s way of introducing Haskell "do" notation for monadic stuff
(I think).


Sent to you by Mitch via Google Reader:

Introducing F# Asynchronous
via Don Syme's WebLog on F# and Other Research
Projects<http://blogs.msdn.com/dsyme/default.aspx>by dsyme on 10/10/07

[ Update: Robert pickering has a very nice summary of using asynchonous
workflows with web

a pre-release of
*F# asynchronous workflows*. In this blog post we'll take a look at
asynchronous workflows and how you might use them in practice. Asynchronous
workflows are an application of F#'s computation

Below is a simple example of two asynchronous workflows and how you can run
these in parallel:

    let task1 = async { return 10+10 }

    let task2 = async { return 20+20 }

    Async.Run (Async.Parallel [ task1; task2 ])


   - The expression "async { return 10+10 }" generates an object of type
   - These values are not actual results: they are specifications of
   tasks to run.
   - The expression "Async.Parallel [ task1; task2 ]" composes two taks
   and forms a new task.
   - This generates a new value of type
   - Async.Run takes this and runs it, returning the array *[| 20; 40 |]*.

   - For the technically minded, the identifier *async* refers to a
   builder for a computation
   You can also dig into the details of the F# implementation for more details
   on this.

You can try this example in F# Interactive from Visual Studio.

The above example is a bit misleading: asynchronous workflows are not
primarily about parallelization of synchronous computations (they can be
used for that, but you will probably want
Instead they are for writing concurrent and reactive programs that perform
asynchronous I/O where you don't want to block threads. Let's take a look at
this in more detail.

Perhaps the most common asynchronous operation we're all do these days is to
fetch web pages. Normally we use a browser for this, but we can also do it
programmatically. A synchronous HTTP GET is implemented in F# as follows:


    open System.IO

    open System.Net

    let SyncHttp(url:string) =

        // Create the web request object

        let req = WebRequest.Create(url)

        // Get the response, synchronously

        let rsp = req.GetResponse()

        // Grab the response stream and a reader. Clean up when we're done

        use stream = rsp.GetResponseStream()

        use reader = new StreamReader(stream)

        // Synchronous read-to-end, returning the result


You can run this using:

    SyncHttp "http://maps.google.com"

    SyncHttp "http://maps.live.com"

But what if we want to read multiple web pages in parallel, i.e.
asynchronously? Here is how we can do this using asynchronous workflows:

    let AsyncHttp(url:string) =

        async {  // Create the web request object

                 let req = WebRequest.Create(url)

                 // Get the response, asynchronously

                 let! rsp = req.GetResponseAsync()

                 // Grab the response stream and a reader. Clean up when
we're done

                 use stream = rsp.GetResponseStream()

                 use reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream)

                 // synchronous read-to-end

                 return reader.ReadToEnd() }

*[ Note: This sample requires some helper code, defined at the end of this
blog post, partly because one fuction called BuildPrimitive didn't make it
into the release.  ]*

Here *AsyncHttp* has type:

    val AsyncHttp : string -> Async<string>

This function accepts a URL and returns a Async task which, when run, will
eventually generate a string for the HTML of the page we've requested. We
can now get four web pages in parallel as follows:


        (Async.Parallel [ AsyncHttp "http://www.live.com";

                          AsyncHttp "http://www.google.com";

                          AsyncHttp "http://maps.live.com";

                          AsyncHttp "http://maps.google.com"; ])

How does this work? Let's add some print statements to take a closer look:

    let AsyncHttp(url:string) =

        async {  do printfn "Created web request for %s" url

                 // Create the web request object

                 let req = WebRequest.Create(url)

                 do printfn "Getting response for %s" url

                 // Get the response, asynchronously

                 let! rsp = req.GetResponseAsync()

                 do printfn "Reading response for %s" url

                 // Grab the response stream and a reader. Clean up when
we're done

                 use stream = rsp.GetResponseStream()

                 use reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream)

                 // synchronous read-to-end

                 return reader.ReadToEnd() }

When we run we now get the following output:

Created web request for http://www.live.com

Created web request for http://www.google.com

Getting response for http://www.live.com

Getting response for http://www.google.com

Created web request for http://maps.live.com

Created web request for http://maps.google.com

Getting response for http://maps.google.com

Getting response for http://maps.live.com

Reading response for http://maps.google.com

Reading response for http://www.google.com

Reading response for http://www.live.com

Reading response for http://maps.live.com

As can be seen from the above, there are multiple web requests in flight
simultaneously, and indeed you may see the diagnostics output interleaved.
Obviously, multiple threads of execution are being used to handle the
requests. However, the key observation is that threads are *not* blocked
during the execution of each asynchronous workflow. This means we can, in
principle, have thousands of outstanding web requests: the limit being the
number supproted by the machine, not the number of threads used to host

In the current underlying implementation, most of these web requests will be
paused in the *GetResponseAsync* call. The magic of F# workflows is always
in the "let!" operator. In this case this should be interpreted as "run the
asynchronous computation on the right and wait for its result. If necessary
suspend the rest of the workflow as a callback awaiting some system event."

The remainder of the asynchronous workflow is suspended as an I/O completion
item in the .NET thread pool waiting on an event. Thus one advantage of
asynchronous workflows is that they let you combine event based systems with
portions of thread-based programming.

It is illuminating to augment the diagnostics with a thread id: this can be
done by changing *printfn* to use the following:

    let tprintfn fmt =

        printf "[%d]" System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId

        printfn fmt

The output then becomes:

[9]Created web request for http://www.live.com

[9]Getting response for http://www.live.com

[4]Created web request for http://www.google.com

[4]Getting response for http://www.google.com

[9]Created web request for http://maps.live.com

[9]Getting response for http://maps.live.com

[9]Created web request for http://maps.google.com

[9]Getting response for http://maps.google.com

[12]Reading response for http://maps.google.com

[13]Reading response for http://www.google.com

[13]Reading response for http://www.live.com

[13]Reading response for http://maps.live.com

Note that the execution of the asynchronous workflow to fetch
www.live.com"hopped" between different threads. This is characteristic
of asynchronous
workflows. As each step of the workflow completes the remainder of the
workflow is executed as a callback.

The Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Async<http://research.microsoft.com/fsharp/manual/fslib/Microsoft.FSharp.Control.type_Async.html>library
type has a number of other interesting combinators and ways of
specifying asynchronous computations. We'll be looking at some of these in
future blog posts.Also, one solution to the asynchronous I/O puzzle is to
use methods such as
or for streams use
You can see uses of these methods in the MSDN .NET sample of bulk
asynchronous image
runs to about 190 lines. In a future blog post we'll look at how this
program becomes a rather elegant 20 liner in F#, largely due to the use of
async workflows.

Asynchronous workflows are essentially a way of writing simple continuation
passing programs in a nice, linear syntax. Importantly standard control
operators such as *try*/*finally*, *use*, *while*, *if*/*then*/*else* and *
for* can be used inside these workflow specifications. Furthermore this
style of writing agents matches well with functional programming: agents
that are state machines can often be defined as recursive functions, and the
actual information carried in each state passed as immutable data. Mutable
data such as hash tables can also be used locally within a workflow as long
as it is not transferred to other agents. Finally, message passing agents
are particularly sweet in this style, and we'll lok at those in later blog

One important topic in this kind of programming is exceptions. In reality,
each asynchronous workflow runs with two continuations: one for success and
one for failure. In later blog posts we'll take a look at how errors are
handled and propagated by asynchronous workflows, or you can play around
with the implementation today.

In summary, we've seen above that asynchronous workflows are one promising
syntactic device you can use to help tame the asynchronous and reactive
parts of the asynchronous/reactive/concurrent/parallel programming
landscape. They can be seen as a nice, fluid F#-specific surface syntax for
common compositional patterns of accessing user-level task scheduling
algorithms and libraries. They are also a primary use of the monadic
techniques that underpin computation
LINQ, and similar techniques have been used in Haskell (see Koen Classen's
classic 1999 paper <http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=968596>, and
recent related work was reported at PLDI and CUFP
<http://cufp.galois.com/>this year).

I'll be talking more about asynchronous workflows at TechEd Europe
Barcelona, and they are also covered in Chapter 13 of Expert
F# <http://www.apress.com/book/view/1590598504>, which is entering the final
stages of production as I write.

Some examples of the underlying techniques that might be used to execute
portions of asynchronous workflows now or in the future are the .NET Thread
Pool <http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/06/NET/> (used in F#, Futures<http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/07/10/futures/default.aspx>
the CCR <http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=219308>, all of which
incorporate many advanced algorithms essential to good performance and
reliability in these areas.  As we move ahead with the F# design in this
space we will ensure that asynchronous workflows can be used effectively
with all of these.



Finally, here is the extra code required for the web sample above. These
functions will be included in future release of F#.

    module Async =

        let trylet f x = (try Choice2_1 (f x) with exn -> Choice2_2(exn))

        let protect econt f x cont =

            match trylet f x with

            | Choice2_1 v -> cont v

            | Choice2_2 exn -> econt exn

        let BuildPrimitive(beginFunc,endFunc) =

            Async.Primitive(fun (cont,econt) ->

                (beginFunc(System.AsyncCallback(fun iar -> protect econt
endFunc iar cont),

                           (null:obj)) : System.IAsyncResult) |> ignore)

    type System.Net.WebRequest with

        member x.GetResponseAsync() =

            Async.BuildPrimitive(x.BeginGetResponse, x.EndGetResponse)

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