[PRL] Strategy Letter VI

Doug Orleans dougorleans at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 17:22:10 EDT 2007

 > It should compile down to "native" code (native code being
 > JavaScript and DOMs) with different backends for different target
 > platforms, where the compile writers obsess about performance so
 > you don't have to. It'll have all the same performance as native
 > JavaScript with full access to the DOM in a consistent fashion, and
 > it'll compile down to IE native and Firefox native portably and
 > automatically.

Isn't this what Google Web Toolkit does?  That's so 2006.

 > And your programmers are like, jeez louise, GMail is huge, we can't
 > port GMail to this stupid NewSDK.

I'm pretty sure GMail, and Google Maps, and Google Reader, are already
using NewSDK, aka GWT.


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