[PRL] Gmail knows more than you think....

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Wed May 31 13:08:24 EDT 2006

Ealier today I sent out the following message:

From: Mitchell Wand <wand at ccs.neu.edu>
> Date: May 31, 2006 12:23 PM
> Subject: More labs for csg111?
> To: csg111 at lists.ccs.neu.edu
> I notice that on the evaluation forms, several of you suggested that we
> have more labs like the ones we had early in the term.
> I'm curious as to what you had in mind.  Would you like these labs to
> cover specific topics?  If so, what?  Would you like them in place of the
> lectures (which would cut down on lecture time) or in addition to them?
> Or would you just like some specific lab time so that the TA's can walk
> around and supervise you as you do the machine problems?
> I'm aiming this message primarily at the folks who made this suggestion,
> but I'd also like to hear from others, especially those who think that this
> might be a BAD idea.
> (Sorry for the delay in sending this message; I've been out of town most
> of the last month...)
> Hope you all have a great summer.
> --Prof. Wand

When gmail displayed this message, I got the following "related links":

Proteus Mind Machine
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> No More Headphones<http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BjWkQ6st9RJSTO4X4kgHks8TBC_iaxwfao_aTAcCNtwHAmgwQAhgCIIaPgAIoBEiROVCK8LOQ-P____8BmAHgjwaqASdBY2NvdW50QWdlMTIwdG9JbmZpbml0eStDb250ZW50T25lYm94Q1ayAQlnbWFpbC5jb23IAQHaAS9odHRwOi8vZ21haWwuY29tL3d6ZXFnMTM4bDRlMmU1dHVpanZkb240M2RuYnlocZUCQGIkCg&num=2&adurl=http://www.transparentcorp.com/special/headphone-less.php%3Fservice%3Dgoogle%26keyword%3Dmindmachiens>
> All the power of brainwave entrainment, minus the headphones!
> www.transparentcorp.com
> Orgone Radionics<http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BJH716st9RJSTO4X4kgHks8TBC4mPkQPZ-pMLwI23AZChDxADGAMgho-AAigESJQ5UKXpkMkGmAHgjwaqASdBY2NvdW50QWdlMTIwdG9JbmZpbml0eStDb250ZW50T25lYm94Q1ayAQlnbWFpbC5jb23IAQHaAS9odHRwOi8vZ21haWwuY29tL3d6ZXFnMTM4bDRlMmU1dHVpanZkb240M2RuYnlocZUCAZskCg&num=3&adurl=http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/adtrack.asp%3FAdID%3D59431>
> Learn to build amazing Psionic mind machines to increase ESP.
> www.radionicsmagic.com
> Mind Machines, since 1988<http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=B1-E56st9RJSTO4X4kgHks8TBC8aOa6S80qUBwI23AdCGAxAEGAQgho-AAigESIc5UIrp2YkBmAHgjwaqASdBY2NvdW50QWdlMTIwdG9JbmZpbml0eStDb250ZW50T25lYm94Q1ayAQlnbWFpbC5jb23IAQHaAS9odHRwOi8vZ21haWwuY29tL3d6ZXFnMTM4bDRlMmU1dHVpanZkb240M2RuYnlocZUCPDUkCg&num=4&adurl=http://www.mindplace.com>
> Innovation, quality, value - direct from manufacturer. Dealers welcome.
> www.mindplace.com

I guess Google knows something about teaching that we don't know yet...

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