[PRL] Re: DrScheme on CCIS Solaris machines.

Eli Barzilay eli at barzilay.org
Wed Jan 18 21:03:15 EST 2006

On Jan 18, Mitchell Wand wrote:
> Just typing in drscheme gets v209.  I had submitted a Req to systems
> to install a newer version, whiich they had promised to do as soon
> as we had a stable release of 299 or 300.

It's easier to just put `/proj/scheme/bin' in your PATH -- this way
you'll always get the recent version, and you'll be able to access
older versions too.

Systems: The bottom line is that `/proj/scheme/bin' has a few scripts
that always run the most recently distributed PLT version (I update
that on each release).  In addition, these scripts can execute older
versions (given a -VVV flag).  It may be a good idea to simply remove
all plt installations, and symlink things to our directory so you
don't have to install it again.  To do so and keep things as they are

* remove all plt symlinks from /arch/unix/bin, and replace them with
  symlinks to /proj/scheme/bin/pltprog (this is a single script that
  will run the plt program based on the original name)

* in /arch/unix/packages, remove all plt-VER directories, and symlink
  them to /proj/scheme/plt-released/VER instead.

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                  http://www.barzilay.org/                 Maze is Life!

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