[PRL] Accumulator for container capacity

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Sep 30 11:41:37 EDT 2005

All these interesting programs for solving the Container Capacity problem
and Matthias' thought-provoking lectures have made me think more about
structural recursion templates. I created several styles, including one for
Will's functional visitor style that Jesse helped me with. Here is my
current view:

Adaptive Programming (AP) takes the principle of Structural Recursion (SR)
to a new level. In SR you organize your program following the structure of
your data. SR is an old principle and has recently been promoted
systematically in HtDP. AP applies SR to focusing on the difference between
the structural recursion template and the desired program. The information
in the structural recursion template (that is systematically defined by the
data type definition), is not repeated in the adaptive program.

There are many ways of defining a Structural Recursion template.
There is a maximal one that uses the entire data type. But often only a
subset of the data type is relevant for a particular function. AP introduces
traversal strategies to define the relevant Structural Recursion template.
Traversal strategies should be viewed as a first step to customizing
Structural Recursion templates. There are other ways to parameterize the
Structural Recursion (SR) template: is it functional or imperative? Which
information should be carried down the structure and how far.

How does AP express the difference between the recursion template and the
desired program? It uses AOP. AP introduced a dynamic join point model based
on object entry and exit events. AOP at Northeastern had as key motivation
to incrementally enhance a Structural Recursion template into the desired

Of the programs we have seen, I like Mitch's for its elegance but I like
Matthias even better because of the ! :-) There are other more important
issues than avoiding !s.

-- Karl

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Felleisen [mailto:matthias at ccs.neu.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:42 AM
To: William D Clinger
Cc: lieber at ccs.neu.edu; PRL at lists.ccs.neu.edu; ethan.aubin at pobox.com
Subject: Re: [PRL] Accumulator for container capacity

Mitch's and Will's solutions are better than mine (and I hadn't even 
thought of it). They do require a lot of packing and unpacking of 
structures. I tend to forget that optimizing compilers do away with 
this code anyway and I shouldn't worry about it.

Mea culpa for using a set! and imaging I needed store-passing.

-- Matthias

On Sep 23, 2005, at 1:05 PM, William D Clinger wrote:

> Here is a version of the code that uses the purely functional
> Visitor pattern.  If you don't like the use of foldr inside
> the check procedure, you can define make-Container-FoldR in
> the obvious way and make the obvious changes to check.
> Will
> --------
> ;(module container mzscheme
>   (define-struct Container (contents capacity))
>   (define-struct Simple (name weight))
>   ;; --- MF added ---
>   ;; A Container is (make-Container (Listof Item) Number).
>   ;;
>   ;; An Item is one of:
>   ;;  -- (make-Simple Symbol Number)
>   ;;  -- Container
>   ;; --- end added ---
>   ;; --- WDC added ---
>   ;;
>   ;; A Container-Visitor: Container -> T is
>   ;;     (make-Container-Visitor simple-visitor container-visitor)
>   ;; where
>   ;; simple-visitor: Symbol x Number -> T
>   ;; container-visitor: (Listof T) x Number -> T
>   (define (make-Container-Visitor simple-visitor container-visitor)
>     (define (visitor c)
>       (cond ((Simple? c)
>              (simple-visitor (Simple-name c) (Simple-weight c)))
>             ((Container? c)
>              (container-visitor (map visitor (Container-contents c))
>                                 (Container-capacity c)))
>             (else ???)))
>     visitor)
>   ;; --- end added ---
>   ;; Test object c1 in Scheme
>   ;; --- MF changed ---
>   (define c-1
>     (make-Container (list (make-Simple "apple" 1))
>       1))
>   (define c0
>     (make-Container (list (make-Simple "pencil" 1)
>                       c-1
>                       (make-Simple "orange" 1))
>       1))
>   (define c1
>     (make-Container (list (make-Simple "apple" 1)
>                       c0
>                       (make-Simple "orange" 1)
>                       (make-Simple "kiwi" 1))
>       5))
>   ;; --- end changed ---
>   ;; -- mw changed --
>   (define-struct wv (weight violations))
>   (define (foldr f seed l)
>     (if (null? l) seed
>       (f (car l) (foldr f seed (cdr l)))))
>   ;; check returns the total number of capacity violations in a 
> container
>   ;; check: Container -> int
>   ;; --- WDC changed ---
>   (define (check ac)
>     (wv-violations
>      ((make-Container-Visitor
>        (lambda (name weight) (make-wv weight 0))
>        (lambda (wvs capacity)
>          (let* ((totals
>                  (foldr (lambda (wv1 wv2)
>                           (make-wv
>                            (+ (wv-weight wv1) (wv-weight wv2))
>                            (+ (wv-violations wv1) (wv-violations 
> wv2))))
>                         (make-wv 0 0)
>                         wvs))
>                 (total-weight (wv-weight totals))
>                 (total-violations (wv-violations totals)))
>            (make-wv total-weight
>                     (if (> total-weight capacity)
>                         (+ 1 total-violations)
>                         total-violations)))))
>       ac)))
>   ;; --- end changed ---
> ;  )
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