[PRL] Spring

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Tue May 24 12:14:07 EDT 2005

Adrian Collyer has been boosting something called "Spring".  Check out
the second bullet in their mission statement, at
http://www.springframework.org/about :

Mission Statement 

We believe that:

    * J2EE should be easier to use
    * It's best to program to interfaces, rather than classes. Spring reduces the complexity cost of using interfaces to zero.
    * JavaBeans offer a great way of configuring applications.
    * OO design is more important than any implementation technology, such as J2EE.
    * Checked exceptions are overused in Java. A framework shouldn't force you to catch exceptions you're unlikely to be able to recover from.
    * Testability is essential, and a framework such as Spring should help make your code easier to test.

I don't know anything about this system beyond what I've written here.


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