[PRL] How about Tues 200-300 for macro reading group?

Matthias Felleisen matthias at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Sep 13 15:52:14 EDT 2004

I got pretty sick staring at Perl, so I rewrote the program in Pretty 
Big. It's 2 lines longer, argh. Anyone who knows more about our 
libraries? -- Matthias

; day -> constraints
; a constraints is a list of (start,stop) times
(define %constraints
;        mitch           will
  (mon . [(1200 1330)   (1330 1445)])
;        carl  et al.    will       sam          jeff
  (tue . [(1145 1705)   (1600 2345) (1100 0515) (0800 1130)])
;        pl              will
  (wed . [(1145 1330)   (1145 1445)])
;        mitch           mitch      mitch           will will           
  (thu . [(0900 1100)   (1200 1330) (1330 1445) (1445 1800) (1800 2100) 
(1230 1330)])
;        mitch           will       sam
  (fri . [(0800 2145)   (0800 2145) (1300 1500)])

(define start-hour 8)
(define end-hour  22)

(define xxx
     (- end-hour start-hour)
     (lambda (i) (let ([i (+ start-hour i)]) (format (if (< i 10) " 
0~a00" " ~a00") i))))))

(define (convert-to-1 p)
   (let ([start (car p)][end (cadr p)])
      (* (- end-hour start-hour) 5)
      (lambda (i)
        (let ([time (+ (* 100 (+  start-hour (quotient i 5))) (* 15 
(remainder i 5)))])
          [(= (remainder i 5) 0) 0]
          [(and (< start time) (<= time end)) 1]
          [else 0]))))))

(define (match l)
   (build-string (* (- end-hour start-hour) 5)
                 (lambda (i)
                   (let ([n (apply + (map (lambda (s) (vector-ref s i)) 
                     (if (= n 0) #\space (string-ref (number->string n) 

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