[Pl-seminar] 2/3 Seminar: Julia Belyakova, Comparative Study of Generic Programming Features in Object-Oriented Languages

Daniel Patterson dbp at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Jan 20 10:52:25 EST 2017

NUPRL Seminar presents

Julia Belyakova
Northeastern University (visiting from Southern Federal University)

Friday, February 3, 2017
Room 366 WVH (http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/wand/directions.html)

Comparative Study of Generic Programming Features in Object-Oriented

Earlier comparative studies of language support for generic programming
(GP) have shown that mainstream object-oriented (OO) languages such as C#
and Java provide weaker support for GP as compared with functional
languages such as Haskell or SML.

One reason is that generic mechanisms of C# and Java are based on F-bounded
polymorphism, which has certain deficiencies. Some of these deficiencies
are eliminated in more recent languages, such as Scala and Kotlin. However,
there are peculiarities of object-oriented languages as a whole, which
prevent them from being as expressible as Haskell in terms of generic

In this talk we will cover the main problems of language support for
generic programming in C#/Java as well as other modern object-oriented
languages, including Scala and Swift. It turns out that all of these
languages follow the same approach to constraining type parameters, which
leads to inevitable shortcomings. To overcome them, an alternative approach
is suggested in several extensions for OO languages, in particular,
JavaGenus. The advantages and drawbacks of both approaches will be
discussed in the talk.

Julia Belyakova graduated in 2014 from Southern Federal University
(Rostov-on-Don, Russia) as Master of Science in “Computer Science and
Information Technologies”. She is enrolled for PhD program in Southern
Federal University and came to Northeastern University as a visiting
scientist. She is currently doing research in the area of generic
programming for object-oriented languages.
You can learn more about Julia at her website,
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