[Pl-seminar] Semantics Seminar Schedule

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Jul 31 00:05:01 EDT 2009

NU Programming Languages Seminar
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Room 366 WVH (http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/wand/directions.html)

The script-writer's dream: 
How to write great SQL in your own language and be sure it will succeed.

Ezra Cooper
University of Edinburgh

Language-integrated query is a new way of interfacing to databases
that expresses queries using natural iteration constructs in a
general-purpose programming language; the compiler then generates SQL
to execute these expressions. The result is a safer and more flexible
way to query databases.

This talk shows how to translate these general expressions into SQL,
even when they take advantage of linguistic mechanisms not present in
SQL. We can handle nested intermediate data structures and functional
abstraction. In fact, any expression with an appropriate type that
doesn't make use of non-SQL primitives can be translated. A
straightforward type-and-effect system tells us at compile time
whether a given expression will translate. Thus, unlike in Hollywood
where a script-writer can never be sure a movie sequel will be
popular, we show how to be sure that your SQL---written in your own
language---will succeed (in being translated).


Upcoming Events:

# Nothing scheduled :-(  Wouldn't you like to give a talk?


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