[Pl-seminar] Talk TODAY: Correctness by Construction of High-Integrity Software

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Fri May 18 09:03:57 EDT 2007

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From: Csail Event Calendar <eventcalendar at csail.mit.edu>
To: seminars at csail.mit.edu
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 00:01:02 -0400
Subject: TALK:Friday 5-18-07 seminar: Correctness by Construction of

[Sorry for the late notice... --Mitch]

Correctness by Construction of High-Integrity Software
Speaker: Dr. Rod Chapman
Speaker Affiliation: Praxis High Integrity Systems
Host: Daniel Jackson
Host Affiliation: MIT CSAIL

Date: 5-18-2007
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Star Seminar Room, 32-D463

Software Engineering Seminar

Correctness by Construction of High-Integrity Software

This talk will focus Praxis' experience in building so-called
"High-Integrity" software, where ultra-low defect rate at first deployment
is required for reasons of safety or security.  The talk will describe
Correctness by Construction (CbyC) - an engineering approach developed by
Praxis for such systems, and SPARK - a programming language that is designed
for strong and entirely static verification.  Productivity and defect rate
data from several industrial-scale CbyC projects will be presented.
Roderick Chapman received MEng and DPhil degrees from the University of
York, England in 1991 and 1995 respectively. He is currently a principal
engineer at Praxis High Integrity Systems, leading the design and
development of the SPARK language and toolset. Before joining SPARK team,
Rod was involved in the implementation high-integrity real-time and embedded
systems, including SHOLIS (the first system implemented to the Def Stan
00-55 SIL4 standard), the Lockheed Martin C130J Mission Computer, and the
MULTOS CA. Rod has presented tutorials, papers and panel sessions at many
conferences, including SIGAda, Ada Europe, and SSTC. He is a Fellow of the
British Computer Society.

Relevant URL(S):
For more information please contact: Maria Rebelo, 617-253-5895,
mr at csail.mit.edu
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