[Pl-seminar] Millstein @ MIT 6/4/07

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Wed May 2 09:24:23 EDT 2007

From: CSAIL Event Calendar <eventcalendar at csail.mit.edu>
To: seminars at csail.mit.edu
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 08:32:32 -0400
Subject: TALK:Monday 6-4-07 Language Support for Modular Object Adaptation

Language Support for Modular Object Adaptation
Speaker: Todd Millstein
Speaker Affiliation: UCLA Computer Science Department
Host: Mike Ernst
Host Affiliation: MIT CSAIL

Date: 6-4-2007
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Refreshments: 2:15 PM
Location: 32-G449 Patil/Kiva

Language mechanisms abound for creating new classes from existing classes in
object-oriented languages, including single and multiple inheritance,
mixins, and traits.  In contrast, the problem of object adaptation requires
that classes be extended "in place," allowing existing objects of those
classes to be augmented with new behaviors.  We have designed a new language
construct called an expander, which can be used to augment an existing type
with new methods, fields, and superinterfaces.  Each client can customize
its view of a class by explicitly importing any number of expanders. This
view then applies to all instances of that class, including objects passed
to the client from other components.  eJava, an extension to Java with
expanders, supports both modular typechecking of expanders and modular
compilation to plain Java code.  We are currently investigating ways to make
expanders more expressive and reusable as well as ways to unify expanders
with traditional "before-the-fact" extensibility mechanisms like

Bio: Todd Millstein is an Assistant Professor in the UCLA Computer Science
Department.  His research aims to develop programming languages and tools
that make software systems easier to write, maintain, and understand.  His
particular technical interests include language design, type systems,
software model checking, and formal methods.  Todd received an A.B. in
Computer Science from Brown University in 1996 and a Ph.D. in Computer
Science from the University of Washington in 2003.

Relevant URL(S):
For more information please contact: Maria Rebelo, 617-253-5895,
mr at csail.mit.edu
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