[Pl-seminar] Fwd: NEPLS Deadline Reminder

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Mon May 15 22:34:16 EDT 2006

[Also note the correction-- the due date is 5/18, not today. --Mitch

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Ridgway <jridgway at wesleyan.edu>
Date: May 15, 2006 4:33 PM
Subject: NEPLS Deadline Reminder
To: talks at nepls.org
Cc: John Ridgway <jridgway at wesleyan.edu>

Friends -

The next New England Programming Languages and Systems Symposium will
take place on June 8, 2006 at Wesleyan University.  Please mark it in
your calendars!

The speaker selection committee solicits talks for this meeting.  To
propose yourself or someone else, send a title, list of authors, and
1-3 paragraph abstract.  (Optionally, you may provide other brief
information that may help the speaker selection committee assess the
proposal.)  We particularly invite talks by researchers from outside
the area who are visiting on the date of the NEPLS meeting.

Talks can vary in length.  Speakers may request slots of 15 to 60
we encourage the shorter formats.  This variety permits the
presentation of smaller results, preliminary work, progress reports on
ongoing projects (such as language standards and compiler toolkits),
and updates to past presentations.  In general, NEPLS talks need not
sound like conference presentations.

The submission deadline is May 15, 2006.  Send your proposal to
talks at nepls.org.  (Replying to this message will work in most cases,
but some mailing lists masquerade as your correspondents -- please
check before responding.)

More details about NEPLS are available on the NEPLS webpage:


- John Ridgway
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