[Pl-seminar] Preliminary CFP: DALT 2004 - 2nd Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies

João Leite jleite at di.fct.unl.pt
Tue Jan 13 01:25:19 EST 2004

   P R E L I M I N A R Y   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

      The Second International Workshop on
  Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT-2004)

                 to be held at the
  The Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous
Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2004) New York, USA
                19 or 20 July 2004


Building multi-agent systems still calls for models and technologies
that ensure system predictability, enable feature discovery and
verification, and accommodate flexibility.  Declarative approaches
offer to satisfy precisely these properties of large-scale multi-agent
systems. Recent advances in the area of computational logics provide a
strong foundation for declarative languages and technologies. Equipped
with such strong foundation, declarative approaches can enable agents
to reason about their interactions and their environment and hence not
only establish the required tasks but also handle exceptions that
arise in many systems.

However, a great effort still has to be done to make formal methods
and declarative technologies available to the broader agent community,
and to apply theoretical results to enable practical implementation of
agent systems.  Accordingly, Declarative Agent Languages and
Technologies (DALT) workshop aims at bringing together (1) researchers
working on formal methods for agent and multi-agent systems design,
(2) engineers interested in exploiting the potentials of declarative
approaches for specification of agent-based systems, and (3)
practitioners exploring the technology issues arising from a
declarative representation of systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 Declarative agent communication and coordination languages
 Declarative approaches to the engineering of agent systems
 Experimental studies of declarative technologies
 Industrial and commercial experiences with declarative agent technologies
 Formal methods for the specification and verification of agent systems
 Computational logics in multi-agent systems
 Argumentation and dialectical systems
 Declarative description of contracts and negotiation issues
 Lessons learned from the design and implementation of agent systems
 Declarative paradigms for the combination of heterogeneous agents
 Constraints and agent systems
 Declarative policies and security in MAS
 Knowledge-based and knowledge-intensive MAS
 Modeling of agent rationality

Important dates:
 Submission: April 1st, 2004
 Notification: May 1st, 2004
 Final Version: May 21st, 2004
 DALT 2004: July 19th or 20th, 2004

Papers should be written in English, formatted according to the
Springer LNCS style, and not exceed 16 pages. Paper submission is
electronic via the conference home page.


A printed volume with the proceedings will be available at the
workshop.  DALT 2003 post-proceedings are being published by
Springer-Verlag as a volume of the LNAI series.  Some contacts have
already been made towards collecting the papers presented at DALT 2004
in the form of a journal special issue or a book from an international

Organizing Committee:
 João Leite (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
 Andrea Omicini (Università di Bologna a Cesena)
 Paolo Torroni (Università di Bologna)
 PInar Yolum (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Program Committee:

 Rafael Bordini, The University of Liverpool, UK
 Marco Colombetti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
 Stefania Costantini, Università degli Studi di L'Aquila, Italy
 Mehdi Dastani, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
 Jürgen Dix, The University of Manchester, UK
 Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, UK
 Mike Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
 Catholijn Jonker, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
 Alessio Lomuscio, King's College, London, UK
 Viviana Mascardi, DISI, Genova, Italy
 John Jules Ch. Meyer, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
 Charles L. Ortiz, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA
 Sascha Ossowski, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
 Lin Padgham, RMIT University, Australia
 Luís Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
 Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College, London, UK
 Juan Rodriguez-Aguilar, Spanish Research Council, Spain
 Fariba Sadri, Imperial College, UK
 Marek Sergot, Imperial College, UK
 Onn Shehory, IBM Research Lab in Haifa, Israel
 Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University, USA
 Wiebe van der Hoek, The University of Liverpool, UK
 Wamberto Vasconcelos, University of Aberdeen, UK
 Michael Winikoff, RMIT University, Australia

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