[Pl-seminar] Semantics Seminar Schedule

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Tue May 27 18:51:14 EDT 2003

NU Programming Languages Seminar
Wednesday, May 27, 2003
206 Egan  Hall, Northeastern University
    (building 60 on http://www.campusmap.neu.edu/)  

[Sorry about the late notice  --Mitch]

Torben Amtoft, Kansas State University:

The Semantic Soundness of a Type System for
Interprocedural Register Allocation and Constructor Flattening

We consider the semantic soundness of an annotated type system for a
compiler intermediate language. (The type system was introduced at TLDI'03
and designed to support interprocedural register allocation and the
representation of tuples and variants directly in the register  file.)

We define an abstract machine that simultaneously

  (1) simulates the assembly code generated by the register annotations

  (2) evaluates the original program using standard techniques.

A consistency theorem then ensures that the two semantics coincide,
in particular that live registers are not overwritten.
Thus our correctness result is stronger than what is seen for, e.g.,
Typed Assembly Language.

This is joint work with Bob Muller.

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