[Pl-seminar] CFP: DALT'03 - 1st Int. Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies

João Alexandre Leite jleite at di.fct.unl.pt
Wed Jan 22 12:50:32 EST 2003

[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message=2E]

         F I R S T   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                         DALT 2003

              First International Workshop on

        Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies

                   Melbourne, Australia
                         July 2003


              In conjunction with AAMAS 2003
              2nd International Conference on
         Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

               Submission: 11 of April, 2003

        Post-Proceedings by Springer-Verlag (LNAI)

Agent metaphors and technologies are ever more adopted to=20
harness and govern the complexity of today's systems=2E As a=20
consequence, the growing complexity of agent systems calls=20
for models and technologies that promote system=20
predictability, and enable feature discovery and=20
verification=2E Recent advances in the area of logics and=20
formal methods make declarative languages and technologies=20
a mostly promising approach to the modeling and engineering=20
of complex agent systems=2E

DALT aims at fostering a discussion forum to export, on the=20
one hand, such techniques into the broader community of=20
agent researchers and practitioners and, on the other hand,=20
to bring in the issues of real-world, complex, and possibly=20
large-scale agent system design in the perspective of=20
formal methods and declarative technologies=2E

DALT 2003 will take place in Melbourne, Australia, in=20
conjunction with AAMAS, the 2nd International Conference on=20
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems=2E

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Declarative agent communication and coordination languages
* Knowledge-based and knowledge-intensive MAS
* Modeling of agent rationality
* Declarative approaches to the engineering of MAS
* High level agent specification languages
* Practical aspects of declarative agent programming and implementation
* Formal methods for the specification and verification of MAS
* Computational logics in MAS
* Argumentation and dialectical systems in MAS
* Declarative description of contracts and negotiation issues in MAS
* Lessons learned from the design and implementation of MAS
* Declarative paradigms for the combination of heterogeneous agents
* Constraints and MAS
* Declarative representation of policies and security in MAS


We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality,=20
original papers, which are not simultaneously submitted for=20
publication elsewhere=2E

Papers should be written in English, formatted according to=20
the Springer LNCS style, which can be obtained at=20
(http://www=2Espringer=2Ede/comp/lncs/authors=2Ehtml), and not=20
exceed 16 pages including figures, references, etc=2E

Electronic submissions, in PostScript (PS) or Portable Document=20
Format (PDF), should be sent to jleite@di=2Efct=2Eunl=2Ept=2E


* Submission, 11 of April, 2003
* Notification, 6 of May, 2003
* Camera Ready, 16 of May, 2003


To encourage and promote the discussion, early and final=20
versions of the accepted papers will be available online,=20
at the workshop's web page, as soon as they are available=2E

A printed volume with the proceedings will be available at=20
the workshop=2E

Authors of papers presented at the workshop will be asked=20
to extend their contributions, possibly incorporating the=20
results of the workshop discussion, to be included in the=20
workshop post-proceedings=2E

Post-proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as a=20
volume of the Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence=20
series (http://www=2Espringer=2Ede/comp/lncs/index=2Ehtml)=2E


* Rafael Bordini, The University of Liverpool, UK
* Jeff Bradshaw, The University of West Florida, FL, USA
* Antonio Brogi, Universit=E0 di Pisa, Italy
* Stefania Costantini, Universit=E0 degli Studi di L'Aquila, Italy
* Yves Demazeau, Institut IMAG, Grenoble, France
* J=FCrgen Dix, The University of Manchester, UK
* Toru Ishida, Kyoto University, Japan
* Catholijn Jonker, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Antonis Kakas, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
* Daniel Kudenko, University of York, UK
* Alessio Lomuscio, King's College, London, UK
* Viviana Mascardi, DISI, Genova, Italy
* Paola Mello, Universit=E0 di Bologna, Italy
* John Jules Ch=2E Meyer, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
* Charles L=2E Ortiz, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA
* Sascha Ossowski, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
* Lu=EDs Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
* Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College, London, UK
* Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
* Michael Schroeder, City University, London, UK
* Onn Shehory, IBM Research Lab in Haifa, Israel
* Carles Sierra, Spanish Research Council, Barcelona, Spain
* V=2ES=2E Subrahmanian, University of Maryland, MD, USA
* Francesca Toni, Imperial College, London, UK
* Wiebe van der Hoek, The University of Liverpool, UK
* Franco Zambonelli, Universit=E0 di Modena, Italy



Jo=E3o Alexandre Leite (Contact Person)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Andrea Omicini
Universit=E0 di Bologna

Leon Sterling
The University of Melbourne

Paolo Torroni
Universit=E0 di Bologna

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