[PL-sem-jr] August 6th: Section 2.3

Artem Pelenitsyn a.pelenitsyn at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 18:09:54 EDT 2020

Hello all,

On July 30th we:

* discussed the last statement in 2.1 about free monoid being projective --
an observation that, following ncatlab
employs adjunction between the free monoid and forgetful functors --
something we have not covered yet,
* went through 2.2 (initial/terminal objects), which was mostly an easy
ride, and
* started 2.3, got through the first couple examples, and finished with the
example of ultrafilters in boolean algebras corresponding to arrows into
the terminal object there.

We will go on with 2.3 next week. Hope to see you next time!

Have a tremendous weekend!

Kind regards, Artem&Julia
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