[PL-sem-jr] Room: WVH 166 and VOTE topics for this semester

Artem Pelenitsyn a.pelenitsyn at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 18:50:51 EST 2020

Dear all,

We booked WVH166 for Mondays 9:30 — 11:00 AM. We are going to meet next
Monday, Feb 17th, *at 10 AM* and read

> Incorrectness logic (POPL 2020)
pdf <https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3371078?download=true>, video
Preliminary skimming of the text is advisable.

Also, we created a poll reflecting the topics discussed at the meeting:


Note: you can simply drag and drop the rows to show your preferences.

We think that it makes sense to have the poll open until Monday evening,
but we can discuss and we can always reopen it.

-- Kind regards, Artem & Julia

PS: This somewhat unusual style of polling preferences is based on a quite
popular Condorcet method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet_method
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