[PL-sem-jr] Monads in Programming

Artem Pelenitsyn a.pelenitsyn at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 10:09:49 EDT 2018

Hello all,

Here are the ways for meeting monads we mentioned:

- P. Wadler: Monads for functional programming (lecture notes from
Marktoberdorf summer school 1992, AFP 1995 revised, 31 p.)

- SPJ: Tackling the Awkward Squad: monadic input/output, concurrency,
exceptions, and foreign-language calls in Haskel (lecture notes from
Marktoberdorf summer school, 2001, 46 p.)

There is one more paper came to my mind, by both of these guys: Imperative
functional programming (POPL 1993)

I've looked into all of these. Although conference papers are more useful
to study in general, SPJs notes from 2001 are much more up to date, and
because of that look more appealing to me right now. Needless to say,
lecture notes has much more gentle learning curve. Thanks to Hugo for
bringing them up!

Also, if you are interested, I can present this topic following any of
those papers.

Best, Artem
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