[PL-sem-jr] Fwd: [MIT-PL] PLSE Seminar: 12/10/18, Jeff Bezanson and Alan Edelman: Humans Compose when Software Does

Julia Belyakova julbinb at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 12:02:50 EST 2018

Hi guys,

There seem to be an interesting talk on Julia at the MIT PL seminar. Would
you be intersted to move our last PL Junior meeting to MIT?

Kind regards, Julia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michael Carbin <mcarbin at csail.mit.edu>
Date: ср, 5 дек. 2018 г., 0:22
Subject: [MIT-PL] PLSE Seminar: 12/10/18, Jeff Bezanson and Alan Edelman:
Humans Compose when Software Does
To: <pl at lists.csail.mit.edu>, <g7 at csail.mit.edu>, <g8 at csail.mit.edu>, <
g9 at csail.mit.edu>


I'm happy to announce that Jeff Bezanson and Alan Edelman will give our
last PLSE Seminar of the semester with a talk on Julia.

Date: Monday, December 10th, 2018
Location: 32-D463 (Star)
Time:  4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Speaker: Jeff Bezanson (Julia Computing) and Alan Edelman (MIT)

Title: Humans Compose when Software Does


In the early days of 18.337/6.338, we gave a simple assignment. Part 1:
Download any parallel program and run it.  Part 2: Download two parallel
programs and have them compose.  Smart hard-working students failed
miserably with Part 2.

Fast forward to 2018, with the formation of MIT's College of Computing, and
some of us dream that Part 1: Researchers at MIT will continue excellent
research and Part 2: Researchers across disciplines can compose.

We have found that the Julia language, through its composable abstractions,
multiple dispatch, and expressive typing is accelerating the formation of
bridges at MIT.  As physical bridges may be made from steel and provide
infrastructure for many to cross, it seems Julia's language elements are
the medium that allow people to connect to solve hard problems.

In this talk we will give a quick introduction to Julia, and then speak in
depth about some of Julia's special features.

Michael Carbin | Assistant Professor | MIT EECS & CSAIL
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Pl at lists.csail.mit.edu
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