[PL-sem-jr] PL Junior 2/28

Dustin Jamner jamner.d at husky.neu.edu
Tue Feb 21 15:31:01 EST 2017

Hi All,
	I will be presenting next week on the sequent calculus based on the paper "A Lambda-calculus Structure Isomorphic to Gentzen-style Sequent Calculus Structure” (https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00381525/document <https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00381525/document>). 
	The sequent calculus is an equally powerful alternative to natural deduction that has uses, among other things, in proof search. This paper presents a term language analogous to the λ-calculus where the typing judgments are the rules of the sequent calculus.

Dustin Jamner
jamner.d at husky.neu.edu

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