[PL-sem-jr] Next Wednesday (5/18): Winskel Ch 5 discussion (5:30pm, WVH 366)

Benjamin Greenman types at ccs.neu.edu
Thu May 12 02:03:13 EDT 2016

RE: today's discussion of when Haskell's type inference fails, here a
little program that won't compile

foo f a b = f (bar a) (bar b)

bar x = if x <= 1 then x else foo (+) (x - 1) (x - 2)

main = return $ foo (\ x y -> ()) 1 2

The error message is about the return type of foo. Haskell wants (+) to
return something compatible with the Unit type.
The problem is that unification breaks down for higher-order polymorphic

OCaml has the same problem (attached, with comments by Drew Weymouth -- who
wrote the original program).
It's not a bug. We were just worried at the time.

(A smaller Haskell program that type inference fails on is `main = return $
read "1"` )

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 6:25 PM, Sam Caldwell <samc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> read and bring your questions!
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