[PL-sem-jr] Proposed change to the format of PL Junior

Benjamin Greenman types at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Jan 13 16:35:21 EST 2016

I'd be happy to change the format & focus more. For _right now_,
I'd like to prepare a "normal" presentation of Kildall's algorithm for
Jan 27 based on the 10-PL paper. Meanwhile I'll keep in touch with
Max, who'd like to do the Cousot & Cousot 10-PL paper in 3 weeks.

Do we want to add exercises & (more) discussion to PL junior, instead
of having a lecture each week?
I really like that we have 1 person presenting each week, but we'd learn
more if we all talked & worked more.

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Sam Caldwell <samc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> During the planning meeting today we discussed the issues with PL
> Junior from last semester and how to address them. Since not everyone
> could make it to the meeting, we need everyone's agreement and input
> to the discussion before changing the format.
> The proposal is essentially to spit the semester into a small number
> of foundational topics where we spend more than one week on each
> topic.
> One of the purposes of PL Junior is to fill in the gaps in our
> background knowledge, particularly on foundational parts of PL. The
> current (last semester's) format fails to live up to this goal for
> several reasons. In my opinion, the primary reason is that one lecture
> is insufficient to pick up a useful amount of knowledge in a rich
> area. Only the presenter, who is required to put in the work to
> understand the material well enough to present it, really benefits.
> In this spirit, we came up with several potential topics:
> - Static Analysis, Type Theory, or Type Systems
> - (Denotational) Semantics
> - Pragmatics - Memory Management, Runtime Systems
> - Logic and other Mathematical Foundations
> As a side note, we still want to finish up discussions of the
> remaining 10PL papers.
> Going forward, we need to decide
> 1) do we want to change the format?
> 2) if we do change, we need to pick and schedule the topics.
> 3) if we keep the current format we still need to assign speaking slots.
> Cheers,
> Sam Caldwell
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