[PL-sem-jr] System F and Parametricity (3/22 12:30-2p WVH 166)

Max New maxsnew at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 21:13:06 EDT 2015

How do we model polymorphism in a programming language? What kind of
reasoning does polymorphism enable?

We present System F, a simple language that has notions of parametric
polymorphism and information hiding.
We will then see the powerful reasoning tools that this language provides,
generally known as Parametricity, or Theorems for Free.

Associated Reading:
[1] Reynolds 1983, Types, Abstraction and Parametric Polymorphism
[2] Wadler 1989, Theorems for Free!
[3] Pierce, Types and Programming Languages, Chapters 23 and 24

-Max Stewart New
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