[PL-sem-jr] Seminar Friday, Sept 27 -- Jonathan Schuster

Justin R. Slepak jrslepak at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Sep 27 09:11:29 EDT 2012

A Whirlwind Tour of Types

When asked "What are your research interests?", the incoming PL graduate student often answers "type systems". Of course, there is already a large body of existing types research - some of which you may be familiar with, some of which you may not. This talk will give a broad overview of type systems and features commonly in use and touch on some lesser-known (but still important) ideas.

We also have a few more slots in the schedule to fill and some people who have not yet claimed a slot/topic, so we will work that out before the talk.

Justin Slepak
PhD student, Computer Science dept.

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