[PL-sem-jr] Talk monday, Mon 3/15, 10:00

Vincent St-Amour stamourv at ccs.neu.edu
Sat Mar 13 08:37:06 EST 2010

It turns out that this schedule conflicts with Ryan's defense. I'll
reschedule Harsh's talk.

Thanks to Jesse and David for poiting it out.

Stay tuned,


At Sat, 13 Mar 2010 08:25:14 -0500,
Vincent St-Amour wrote:
> Mon 3/15 Room WVH166 10:00-12:00
> Harsh - Introduction to Temporal Logic
> Temporal Logic provides a formal system to describe and reason about 
> truth values of assertions change over time. We will see the motivation 
> for Temporal Logic in the context of verification of systems, especially 
> reactive systems (non-terminating and in most cases concurrent). I will 
> briefly mention the Linear and Branching Temporal Logic systems which 
> differ in their view of the underlying nature of time. We will go over 
> the syntax and semantics of Linear Propositional Temporal Logic. 
> Finally we will see an application of the logic.

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