[PL-sem-jr] PLJR planning meeting - Spring 2008

turon at ccs.neu.edu turon at ccs.neu.edu
Sun Jan 6 16:09:15 EST 2008

The Spring semester is about to begin, so it's time to get PL Seminar Jr. rolling again. Several people are going to be away this week at POPL, so I propose that we hold the planning meeting on Thursday, Jan 17, at 1:30. (Room TBD). Please let me know if this date/time doesn't work with your schedule, and we'll try to reschedule. 

The purpose of the planning meeting is twofold: to set a standard time for the seminar this Spring, and to put together a roster of talks. As usual, the wiki available at 


has plenty of suggestions for topics. We also had some postponed talks last semester that could be revived for the Spring. Talks should not be limited to current research: the seminar is in part intended to give junior students a venue for talking about topics we are studying, including those that are old-hat to some of the PRL. In that spirit, let me recommend Pierce's Great Works in PL page for some classics: 


Signing up for a PLJR talk is a great way to force yourself to get familiar with a body of work, so please come to the meeting with some ideas about what *you* would like to learn this semester. 

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