[PL-sem-jr] Upcoming Talks

Richard Cobbe cobbe at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Nov 29 11:25:37 EST 2007

The original plans were to have Alec present more details about Twelf's
underlying logic during PL JR tomorrow, as a follow-up to Ryan's meta-logic
safari from before Thanksgiving.

However, it sounds like there's a lot of interest in attending
Stonebraker's lecture on databases tomorrow at noon, so it may not make
sense for Alec to talk.  Alec assures me that he won't need the entire two
hours for his material, so we could in principle hear him at 11 and then
move over to WVF for Stonebraker at 12.  I'm a little reluctant to try
this, though, because PL Jr almost always takes longer than the scheduled
two hours, even when the speaker claims not to have much material.  (This
is usually a good thing, IMO.)

I'll try to take a straw poll this afternoon at tea-and-cookies to see how
many want to go to Stonebraker.  If you're not going to be around the lab
this afternoon at 3ish but you plan to attend Stonebraker's talk, please
let me know within the next couple of hours.

Future talks
12/7: Dimitrios Vardoulakis: computation tree logic
and that's the end of the semester.


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