[PL-sem-jr] Reminder: programming/scheduling meeting Tuesday 6 June, 1pm

Richard Cobbe cobbe at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Jun 5 13:28:24 EDT 2006

Just a reminder that we'll have the programming/scheduling meeting for
PL Seminar Jr tomorrow afternoon at 1pm.  I haven't bothered to reserve
a room, so we'll start in 366 and move downstairs if that's taken.

Bring suggestions for topics, as well as paper deadlines that affect

Also, if you'd like to participate in PL Jr this summer but can't make
the meeting tomorrow, please do let me know -- it'll be useful for the
first agenda point below.

  - Do we have a quorum?
  - Overview & seminar culture for folks joining us from GA Tech for the summer
  - Discuss audience and membership (how open do we want to make this
    for non-NEU folks?)
  - Pick day and time for meetings
  - Schedule talks.



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