[PL-sem-jr] Upcoming Talks

Jay McCarthy jay at kenyamountain.com
Thu Apr 6 13:07:36 EDT 2006

For my topic, are people interested in Finger Trees or Generalized  
Tries? (aka Hinze's work) Purely functional generic data structures  
are neat. It involves polytypic programming.

I could also talk about Maude to compare with Stratego.


Jay McCarthy <jay at kenyamountain.com>

On 6 Apr 2006, at 12:15, Richard Cobbe wrote:

> PL Seminar, Jr.
> Friday, April 7
> 1:30 - 3:30
> WVH 166 (we hope)
> =================
> Richard Cobbe will present a survey of virtual types (also known as
> virtual classes).  Preliminary bibliography attached.
> I plan to use the projector for part of my talk, so we may need to  
> meet
> elsewhere depending on whether or not it's been fixed.  I'll send an
> announcement to this list if the meeting room changes.
> Upcoming Talks
> ==============
> April 14: Jay McCarthy: topic TBA
> April 21: Jesse Tov & Dimitri Vardoulakis on GADTs
> Bibiography for virtual types/classes:
> @inproceedings{madsen-89-virtual,
>     author = "Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Birger M{\o}ller-Pedersen",
>     title = "Virtual classes: a powerful mechanism in object-oriented
>         programming",
>     booktitle = "OOPSLA '89: Conference Proceedings on Object-Oriented
>         Programming Systems, Languages and Applications",
>     year = 1989,
>     isbn = "0-89791-333-7",
>     pages = "397--406",
>     location = "New Orleans, Louisiana, United States",
>     doi = "\url{http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/74877.74919}",
>     publisher = "ACM Press",
>     address = "New York, NY, USA",
> }
> @inproceedings{thorup-97-genericity,
>     title = "Genericity in Java with Virtual Types",
>     author = "Kresten Krab Thorup",
>     booktitle = "ECOOP '97---Object-Oriented Programming: 11th  
> European
>         Conference (LNCS 1241)",
>     year = 1997,
>     pages = "444--471",
>     location = "Jyv{\"a}skyl{\"a}, Finland",
>     mon = jun,
>     publisher = "Springer-Verlag GmbH",
>     address = "Berlin",
> }
> @inproceedings{torgersen-98-virtual,
>     author = "Mads Torgersen",
>     title = "Virtual Types are Statically Safe",
>     year = 1998,
>     booktitle = "The Fifth International Workshop on Foundations of
>         Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL 5)",
>     note = "Available from \url{http://pauillac.inria.fr/~remy/fool/ 
> program.html}",
> }
> @inproceedings{thorup-99-unifying,
>     author = "Kresten Krab Thorup and Mads Torgersen",
>     title = "Unifying Genericity: Combining the Benefits of Virtual
>         Types and Parameterized Classes",
>     booktitle = "ECOOP '99: Object-Oriented Programming: 13th European
>         Conference (LNCS 1628)",
>     pages = "186--204",
>     location = "Lisbon, Portugal",
>     month = jun,
>     year = 1999,
>     publisher = "Springer-Verlag GmbH",
>     address = "Berlin"
> }
> @inproceedings{bruce-98-statically,
>     author = "Kim B. Bruce and Martin Odersky and Philip Wadler",
>     title = "A Statically Safe Alternative to Virtual Types",
>     booktitle = "ECOOP'98---Object-Oriented Programming: 12th European
>         Conference (LNCS 1445)",
>     year = 1998,
>     pages = "523--549",
>     location = "Brussels, Belgium",
>     mon = jul,
>     publisher = "Springer-Verlag GmbH",
>     address = "Berlin",
> }
> @inproceedings{igarashi-99-foundations,
>     title = "Foundations for Virtual Types",
>     author = "Atsushi Igarashi and Benjamin C. Pierce",
>     booktitle = "ECOOP '99: Object-Oriented Programming: 13th
>         European Conference",
>     pages = "161--185",
>     publisher = "Springer-Verlag GmbH",
>     address = "Berlin",
>     location = "Lisbon, Portugal",
>     year = 1999,
>     month = jun,
>     series = lncs,
>     volume = 1628,
> }
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> Pl-sem-jr at lists.ccs.neu.edu
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