[PL-sem-jr] Scheduling PL Seminar Junior

Carl Eastlund carl.eastlund at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 14:55:51 EDT 2004

I hope most of the right people are subscribed to this by now.

I didn't get many responses to the first mail I sent (I blame ICFP),
but it's already clear that Thursdays aren't working as well as I'd
thought.  Please send me your scheduling constraints in the format
shown below, using the same subject as this message.  Make your
replies private; no need to spam the group.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carl Eastlund <carl.eastlund at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:12:34 -0400
Subject: Scheduling PL Seminar Junior


The data definitions I'm using for s-expression schedules are:

A Day is one of: 'sun 'mon 'tue 'wed 'thu 'fri 'sat
An Hour is a Number between 0 and 24 inclusive (fractions/inexacts allowed)
An Event is (list Day Hour)
A Priority is a Number between 0 and 1 inclusive (fractions/inexacts allowed)
A Block is (list Event[start] Event[start] Priority String[description])
A Schedule is (cons String[name] (Listof Blocks))

My schedule (abridged) might look like:
'("Carl Eastlund"
  ((wed 9.25) (wed 10.5) 3/4 "csu211 lecture")
  ((wed 11.75) (wed 13.75) 1 "pl seminar")
  ((wed 14.75) (wed 16.25) 1 "algorithms lecture")
  ((wed 17.5) (wed 19.5) 1/3 "kung fu"))

Priorities range from 0 (free time) to 1 (unmovable, mandatory
appointment) with fractions expressing "bad" times in between.  The
method used to resolve these conflicts is not yet determined.


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