[Larceny-users] SRFI-125 Intermediate hash tables and SRFI-128 Comparators (reduced)

John Bignucolo john.bignucolo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 02:43:08 EST 2017

As part of learning Go, I've also been writing examples using the
equivalent features in Scheme. Scheme's hash-tables (as provided by
SRFI-125 in Larceny) serve a similar purpose to maps in Go.

I think Go wins with regard to succinctness. :-)

However, I did find the API defined in SRFI-125 to be good to use once I
also had a look at SRFI-128. The implementation I came up with wasn't that
different to the Go example.

So kudos to the authors.

I read some of the discussions for SRFI-125 as it evolved and noted the
concerns raised about its interaction with SRFI-128 (eg, "mustard" issues)
and the suggested use of definitions from SRFI-126.

I used the following import definition based on looking at the
implementation associated with the SRFI's:

(import (scheme base)
(scheme write)
(except (srfi 128)
hash-salt string-hash string-ci-hash symbol-hash)
(except (srfi 125)
string-hash string-ci-hash)
(srfi 126)

Is there a better way to get the appropriate definitions or is this a
reasonable approach?

Having to exclude some identifiers and import others is a bit messy in
comparison to other languages. I guess this will all be sorted out as part
of the Scheme "large language" discussions.


John Bignucolo
john.bignucolo at gmail.com
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